Each month, Stepping Stone School educators implement our Kindness and Empathy CurriculumTM which provides activities with the purpose of teaching character development as a part of our Platinum Learning for LifeTM curriculum.
January’s focus is Self-Regulation
Self-Regulation is described as the ability to monitor and control your own behavior, thoughts, and emotions. Changing how you respond depending on the circumstances. During the month of January, we focus on the practice of self-regulation combining the goals of Conscious Discipline and our Kindness and Empathy CurriculumTM. Children will learn self-regulation skills to manage their emotions, overcome stress, and persist through challenges as they read age-appropriate books and participate in hands-on activities and games.

People who self-regulate: control their temper, think before acting, make good choices, set priorities, behave as an example to others.
February’s focus is Kindness
One shows kindness when he or she demonstrates concern for another’s well being. Throughout the month of February, our teachers prepare activities centered around the Kindness and Empathy CurriculumTM goal of kindness. Children will not only make cards for others, but also read stories, identify acts of kindness, and participate in many other age-appropriate activities to help them understand more about kindness.

People who demonstrate kindness: stand up for others, offer to help someone, think about the needs of others
March’s focus is Respect
To show respect is to show high regard for people, property, and the community recognizing each has value and worth. At Stepping Stone School, we want to partner with you to encourage and teach respect to children. During the month of March, we focus on teaching respect as children participate in activities promoting respect for others and their property.

People who demonstrate respect: Answer authority politely, act appreciatively, accepting of others individual differences, use manners
April’s focus is Trustworthiness
Able to be relied on; deserving of confidence; one in whom you can place trust and know it will not be betrayed. Stepping Stone School focuses on the character development trait of trustworthiness in the month of April. A trustworthy person is honest, follows the rules, keeps a promise, is not unkind, and does not take things that do not belong to them. Developing an attitude of trust, being trustworthy, and building trust with one another takes time, but through responsive caregiving, children learn in a manner which supports the development of trust.

People who demonstrate trustworthiness: are consistently truthful, sincere, loyal, and genuine, are able to be counted on, keep their promises, and possess integrity
May’s focus is Ownership
Taking responsibility for the choices you make. Being responsible for the words you say and the actions you take. As a part of our Kindness and Empathy CurriculumTM, Stepping Stone School teachers teach children about what it means to take Ownership for their actions and behaviors. Children will participate in a variety of developmentally appropriate discussions and learning activities as they learn about this important character trait.

People who demonstrate ownership: do not blame others for their mistakes, they take responsibility for their actions, control how they react in different situations
June’s focus is Empathy
The ability to understand and share the feelings, experiences, and perspective of another person. Empathy is a key aspect of emotional intelligence through which individuals imagine what another is experiencing as if feeling it themselves. Empathy is a complex skill to develop. First, a child must be able to recognize others have different thoughts and feelings than he has. Secondly, he must imagine himself in a similar situation to determine a possible solution to the problem the other child is experiencing.

People who demonstrate empathy: are curious about others and imagine how others are feeling. They listen closely to the needs of others and look for ways to relate.
July’s focus is Responsibility
Being dependable and making good choices; taking care of oneself and others, taking care of belongings, being reliable and trustworthy. Throughout the month of July, the teachers at Stepping Stone School provide children with focused activities centered around the Kindness and Empathy CurriculumTM trait of responsibility. Each week, teachers will read stories about responsibility and recognize responsible behaviors.

Responsible People: think before they act, do what they are asked to do, put forth their best effort, follow-through with what they say they will do, take care of their belongings, care about the well-being of others.
August’s focus is Fairness
The quality of treating people in a way that is right and reasonable. During the month of August at Stepping Stone School, we focus our attention on the character goal of fairness. Younger children will learn foundational practices of fairness like sharing, caring for others, and following guidelines for safe play. Older children will extend their learning by observing fairness in children’s literature and acting out what fair and unfair may look like in a classroom situation

People who demonstrate fairness: play by the rules, take turns and share, are open-minded and listen to others.
September’s focus is Cooperation
Cooperation is working together for a common purpose. Through cooperation, children learn aspects which make this transition into a group of learners possible. By focusing on aspects of cooperation like sharing, taking turns, and working together, the teachers at Stepping Stone School are prepared to meet the new school year with new children as well.

People who demonstrate cooperation: participate fully, compromise when needed, do their fair share of the work, listen attentively to others ideas and suggestions, show appreciation for others who contribute.
October’s focus is Integrity
Being honest and trustworthy no matter who is watching or what the outcome will be. Consciously choosing to do what is morally right. During the month of October, our activities are focused on the character trait of integrity. Integrity is described as consistency in both words and actions while following a strong moral compass.

People who demonstrate integrity: are trustworthy and honest. They have a high moral value and are empathetic when they are faced with difficult decisions.
November’s focus is Perseverance
Persistence in doing something even when it is difficult. Continuing towards a goal despite difficulty or delay in success. Doing your very best. At Stepping Stone School, we recognize the value of perseverance and encourage growth in this area daily. Our Platinum Learning for LifeTM curriculum is specially designed to provide developmentally appropriate activities for children of all ages. Each child is provided the support and care he needs to become confident and prepared both socially and academically.

People who demonstrate perseverance: work hard to complete a task. They keep working until they reach their goal even when they face challenges
December’s focus is Compassion
Sympathetic concern for another’s misfortune coupled with the desire to help, feeling the joys and hurts of others. Throughout December, Stepping Stone School focuses on developing compassion in meaningful ways. Whether it is modeling compassionate care in our infant classrooms, developing empathy by learning to recognize feelings in our toddler classrooms, identifying acts of kindness within our pre-kindergarten classrooms, or engaging in compassionate living by visiting residents of local nursing homes in our school age classrooms. Stepping Stone School is committed to developing children who participate in compassionate living by focusing on consideration, kindness, and empathy.

People who demonstrate compassion: console others when they are hurt, listen patiently, give of their time and/or resources, encourage others, show kindness without expecting rewards.